Department of Roga Nidana deals with the study of Ayurvedic diagnostics, including the causes and diagnosis of disease. The names themselves come from Sanskrit terms:

Roga Nidan: “Roga” means disease, and “Nidan” refers to the diagnosis or the cause. So, “Roga Nidan” is the study of the causes and diagnosis of diseases.

Vikriti Vigyan: “Vikriti” means alteration or disturbance, and “Vigyan” means science or knowledge. Hence, Vikriti Vigyan refers to the science of studying the disturbances or imbalances in the body due to diseases or various factors.

This department attend to the clinical laboratories of the hospital as well with availability of latest instruments like Haematology Automated Cell Counter and Biochemistry Analyser.

Departmental Vision:

Enhance the knowledge of students towards to apply knowledge of fundamental principles of Ayurveda to practice by understanding diseases, Patient Interaction, drawing diagnosis, and prognosis.This is a strong base to frame an appropriate treatment protocol.


  • To Develop fundamental diagnostic aspects of Ayurveda.
  • To develop Ayurvedic diagnostic and clinical skills incorporating the modern techniques.



Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurved College & Hospital is a renowned institution in Rajasthan, known for excellence in Ayurvedic education, healthcare, and research.


+91 96728 08050 (Office)
+91 9460402772 (Hospital)
Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurved College & Hospital, Mundiyagarh, Kishangarh, Renwal, Jaipur 303603