Hospital Facilities
Hospital has centrally attched OPD, IPD, well equipped Operation Theatre with special emphasis on Ayurvedic treatments like Leech therapy, Ksharasootra, Agnikarma, Panchakarma therapy etc is available. Hospital records are being maintained through Hospital Management Software.
Patients are registered at the reception and are managed through Token display system, however out of turn consultation may be provided in case of emergency and senior citizen. Patients have the right to consult any doctor. In front of reception it has a waiting hall with chairs, a TV, public utilities like drinking water and toilets. Sub waiting areas are available in front of individual consultation rooms. Wheel chairs, trolleys and attendants are there to help very sick patients.
Consultation is Free
The hospital has more than 9 consulting rooms. Each of these is suitably equipped for doctors to interview and examine his patient in a comfortable environment. Each room is equipped with a computer which enables the doctor to give prescriptions / diagnostic tests for the patient through Hospital Management Software. OPD of different Ayurvedic specialty with qualified consultants are available:
IPD admission and wards Free
Air Conditioned Various Wards With Bed Side Lockers, Mattresses, Bed Sheets, Pillows And Blankets In The Winter Seasons Which Are In Sufficient Quantity In The Hospital Store.
- There is arrangement of 60 beds in the hospital.
- Routine Medicines Required For IPD Patients are Provided From The Hospital IPD/ Dispensary Counter As Per Directions.
- All Patients In The IPD Are Given Free Treatment, During Their Stay In The Hospital. Required Test/ Diagnostic Measures, Which Are Necessary Are Also Provided Free Of Cost By the Institute.
Panchkarma Facility:
Hospital has well designed Male and Female Panchkarma Departements with experienced experts. Panchakarma- a curative line of treatment; that works on the principles of sodhana chikitsa (purification procedure).
Panchakarma is a holistic rejuvenation therapy and is not just an oil massage, as it is widely misbelieved. It is in Kerala that the rejuvenation therapy of Panchakarma grew and flourished. Panchakarma is performed in three stages – Purva Karma (pre-treatment), Pradhana Karma (primary treatment) and Paschat Karma (post-treatment). Snehana (oleation / oil therapy) and Swedana (sudation) are the two Purva Karma procedures. Snehana (internal and external oleation) loosens the Amam( Undigested Toxic element) stuck in various channels of the body and Swedana dilates the channels to facilitate its movement towards the Koshta (alimentary canal). The Amam that reaches the Koshta is eliminated during the Pradhana Karma.
The treatments offered by us are: Basti Karma, Virachana Karma, Vamana Karma, Nashya Karma, Rakta Mokshan( Blood letting) Karma, Pizzichil, Netra Tarpana, Shirodharra, Localized Bastis and ayurvedic massages.
Jalauka (Leech )Therapy:
Since ancient times, leeches are being used to treat many illnesses and disease through bloodletting, a method where blood was drawn out with the principle that removing impure blood would heal the body. Leech therapy has shown drastic result in patients with Pain disorders, psoriasis, Eczema, Swelling and all other kind of skin infections.
Kshar sutra:
Kshar sutra therapy is a modified and standardized version of an Ancient treatment procedure, originally described by Ancient Indian Ayurveda Sages for the treatment of Naadivrana (Sinus) & Bhangadara (Fistula in ano).It is an Ayurvedic medicated thread which is prepared by smearing a special Linen thread with Ayurvedic drugs. It is used for the treatment of anorectal diseases like; Arshas (Piles), Bhagandara (Fistula in ano), Pilonidal sinus , Parikartika (Chronic fissure in ano), etc.
Operation Theatre:
The hospital has two operation theatres which are well-equipped with the most modern and specialized equipments relevant for the types of surgeries performed. A couple of theatres; Minor OT, Major OT, are also available.
Labour Room & Maternity Ward:
The Maternity Ward and Neonatal Intensive Care is ideally located in a separate room. It is our Endeavour to provide utmost comfort and care to the infant, the birthing mother and her family.
Emergency Facility:
It provides state-of-the-art comprehensive, individualized emergency medical care and urgent care to the citizens of surrounding area.
Free Swarnprashan Camp –
Every month on account of Pushynakshtra Free Swarnprashan camp is being organized by the department of Kaumarbritya.
Kriyakalpa: Department of Shalakya Tantra offers Netra Kriyakalpa also called as Kriyakalpa, as the treatment procedures in the management of Eye Diseases. In Hospital 6 types of Kriya kalpa (Therapeutic procedures for eyes) are done as mentioned in our Ayurvedic Classical Texts.
- Tarpana: In this procedure the medicated ghee is kept in eye for a specific time by special arrangement. It gives nourishment to the eyes,tones eye muscles and relaxes the eyes. Used in the maintenance of general well being of eyes as well as in the management of Progressive refractive errors, computer vision syndrome, tiredness of eyes and retinal diseases.
- Putapaka: The procedure is same as tarpana but the medicine extracted from herbs by putapaka procedure, usually carried after tarpana. Indication for rejuvenation of eyes.
- Seka:In this procedure medicine is poured on closed eye continuously from four inches height for specific time according to doshas. It is indicated in acute inflammatory conditions
- Aschyotana:The medicated drops are put into eye from the height of two inches on open eye. It is indicated in infection and allergic condition of conjunctiva and cornea.
- Pindi:Medicated paste is tied in a thin cloth and kept over eye. Indicated in abhisyanda and adhimanta
- Bidalaka or lepa:In this procedure medicated paste is applied to eye lids. Indicated in stye, chalazion and other inflammatory condition of eyelid.
Apart from above following procedures are also done in the department for all ,the above clavicular disorders
Nasya karma, Karnapoorana, Shirodhara, Jalauka and Agni Karma
Yoga Facility:
Yoga strives to teach an authentic expression of yoga with a transformational approach, honoring a diversity of practices and belief systems. Our program is based on the principle that yoga is a unifying tool for creating health, well-being and a deep spiritual connection. Our qualified Yoga experts offer regularly scheduled yoga classes to the patients visiting hospital. We offer a comprehensive class schedule of diverse yoga styles because it empowers them to customize their individual yoga practice. Our intention is to provide a sanctuary to those who seek yoga as a path to self-realization and celebrate the personal-spiritual connection inherent within the practice of yoga.
Physiotheraphy Facility:
In view of the growing need of Physiotherapy, one of the fastest growing allied areas of Medical Sciences, Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurved College & Hospital has taken a lead in establishing physiotherapy Centre. The Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is spread out in sufficient space with a state of the art technology. Qualified Physiotherapist having the requisite skill sets required to manage the patients coming for therapy.
Laboratory Facility:
Laboratory Services, “a Centre of diagnostics” at Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurved College & Hospital – is housed in a spacious area with state of the art instruments and facility. The laboratory is well equipped with fully automated machines like Automated Cell Counter, Electrolyte analyzer, Biochemistry Analyzer etc.. The concept of this Laboratory is to have aone point contact with the Diagnostics department. The Laboratory is dedicated to serve hospital’s expert physicians and its patients, by providing a more intimate relationship between clinical diagnostic testing and the physicians’ office. Trained laboratory staff are providing best services which includes painless blood withdrawal Services.
Radiology Facility:
The Department of Radiology offers a comprehensive range of highly sophisticated imaging tests that are conducted in a welcoming environment that focuses on quality and patient comfort. radiologists provide an exceptional level of care for OPD and IPD patients of hospital. It has the facility of Digital X-ray, ECG etc.
The hospital has a Dispensary inside premises which serve the patients to procure their medicines inside hospital premise itself thus avoiding the need to hunt for these in the city.
Ambulance Facility:
There is an Ambulance available In hospital for all the emergency condition for patients .
Reception and Registration