Shalya tantra is a branch of Ayurveda that deals with the extraction of foreign bodies (shalya), diseases, injuries etc. that require surgical or para surgical management.

Key components of shalya tantra

  • Anushastra karma – The shalya tantra branch deals the diseases like chronic non-healing ulcers, sciatic pain, corn, callosity, warts, moles, varicose veins, venous ulcers, various skin lesions through anushastra. Anushastra includes jalaukavacharana (leech application), Agnikarma (thermal cauterization), Siraveda, Ksharakarma (chemical cauterization) etc.
  • Ksharasutra – This method is very useful in the management of anorectal disorders e.g., piles, fissure, fistula in ano, pilo nidal sinus etc.
  • Shalya karma – Various diseases like abscess (e.g. breast abscess, perianal abscess, Bartholin gland abscess etc.), tumours (breast tumours, lipoma, neurofibroma etc.), cysts (sebaceous cysts, dermoid cysts, Bartholin cysts etc.), hydrocele, hernia, ear lobular tear etc. are managed by operative methods.
  • Bhagna chikitsa – Traumatic fractures and dislocations are managed.


  • Maintain surgical discipline.
  • Teamwork.
  • Delivering the knowledge & surgical skills from one student to another student.
  • Surgical care is to be delivered irrespective of social status, gender, caste or religion of the patient.
  • Promote students to learn Ayurveda fundamentals as well as modern surgical concepts.

Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurved College & Hospital is a renowned institution in Rajasthan, known for excellence in Ayurvedic education, healthcare, and research.


+91 96728 08050 (Office)
+91 9460402772 (Hospital)
Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ayurved College & Hospital, Mundiyagarh, Kishangarh, Renwal, Jaipur 303603